Flexography – Printing Terms Glossary

A printing method that uses flexible plates where the image to be published is higher than the non-printing areas. The inked fields are then contacted the material to be printed and transferring the ink from the raised areas to the material. Fast drying inks are normally used in this process. Common purposes are the printing of cans and bottles as well as other non-flat items.


Dithering – Printing Terms Glossary

The process of averaging between pixels of unlike colors. This results in a smoother, blended transition between the edge of two areas rather than a jagged and ‘stair-step’ appearance. Also a method used in ink jet printers where colors are made by mixing colored dots in a randomized pattern.


70# Uncoated Text

We use 70# Lustre for stationery and envelopes as well as 70# Cougar Opaque Offset on calendars and newsletters. For desktop laser printing these uncoated (non-glossy) white stocks are guaranteed safe. There are many common stationery stocks, which are not appropriate for 4-color printing, so we have chosen these for best results. Feels thick as well as substantial in your hands.